Antoine Roex, OAKland Group

Explore how artificial intelligence is revolutionising data management in 2024, offering advanced analytics, increased automation and predictive metrics. This article details the ways in which AI is enabling businesses to process and interpret massive volumes of data with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency, leading to more informed decisions and improved performance.

Improving data quality and integration

Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in improving data quality by integrating various data sources. Advanced techniques make it possible to monitor the state of machine learning models and detect whether they are still predicting accurately or whether they require retraining with updated data. This transforms the production of data models, once considered a cottage industry, into a more industrialised process, increasing productivity and deployment rates.

Automating data management processes

Modern platforms based on the cloud and AI make it easier to automate repetitive tasks such as data entry, cleansing and analysis. This automation reduces human error and frees up time for employees to focus on more strategic, value-adding tasks. In addition, the increased adoption of cloud-native data management platforms offers scalability, reduced costs and improved accessibility, enabling more effective real-time data management.

Data product development and personalisation

AI enables the creation of data products that package data, analytics and AI into a software product offering, managed from conception to deployment. These data products, such as recommender systems and price optimisation systems, are increasingly being used to guide the decisions of customers and sales teams, showing a fusion of analytics and AI in the design of data products.

Risk management and compliance
The large amounts of data being generated and strict data protection regulations are making risk management and compliance more complex. AI helps navigate these challenges by improving the accuracy of Big Language Model (LLM) output through techniques like Recovery Augmented Generation (RAG), which automatically verifies the accuracy of LLM output by comparing it to certified facts.

In short, artificial intelligence is transforming data management by increasing operational efficiency, improving data quality, and facilitating compliance and data governance. Organisations that embrace these advanced technologies are better equipped to respond to changing market demands and gain a sustainable competitive advantage.

References :

  1. MIT Sloan Review
  2. IBM – United States
  3. CData Software
  4. TDWI

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