Using data to evaluate goalkeeper performance 

The role of the goalkeeper within the team is becoming increasingly important in modern football. Changes to the laws of the game and tactical developments introduced by certain coaches mean that goalkeepers are developing along new lines…

DPO - Assistance DPO

GDPR : A business asset for SMEs ?

All companies must be GDPR compliant. In the first instance, this is a question of legality. But for SMEs, it is also a real opportunity to make themselves known to large companies. If they are GDPR compliant, they have a better chance of being listed with purchasing departments, thus gaining an image of trust, regulatory conformity and reliability…


For your company influence and success…

More than ever OAKland Group teams are beside you to have your data bringing the best, for your company influence and success.
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We wish you a great year 2022 and beautiful achievements.

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